The analysis of marketed coconut oil samples namely A, B and C was carried out to detect the level of adulteration. Various physicochemical parameters were tested to check oils’ purity as per APCC (Asian & Pacific Coconut Community) standards. Moreover the comparative analysis of cream formulations from all the oil samples obtained was carried out to study the effect of different grades of coconut oil on formulation aspects of creams. The saponification values for oil sample C & B were quite comparable which are 258.76 & 251.04 mg of KOH/gm of oil, while acid values for sample A, B and C were 1.11, 0.50, 0.45 mg of KOH/ gm of oil. The polenske value for oil sample B and C were found to be 13.3. The study of formulation aspects of creams showed the most stable cream formed from the oil sample C which complies with all the APCC standards for oil. The pH, mean globule size and centrifugation test value obtained for the most stable emulsion were 6.28+0.07, 30.05+0.92 m, 0.4+0.1 cm respectively.